TIL: for mechanical valves, ASA + VKA is better than VKA alone
A systematic review1 showed that adding an antiplatelet agent (e.g. aspirin) to a vitamin K antagonist decreased the risk of both a...
TIL: TZDs worsen heart failure in T2DM
Thiazolidinediones (the -glitazones) have a known side effect of worsening heart failure in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This...
TIL: steroids cause mostly post-prandial hyperglycemia
Corticosteroids are associated with hyperglycemia1. This effect is most significant in the post-prandial time period. 1. Tamez-Pérez,...
TIL: Loop diuretics worsen metabolic alkalosis
Loop diuretics can worsen metabolic alkalosis mainly because they increase secretion of chloride, which draws H+ into the urine and...